A lot of attention has been paid by television and the press, both on paper and online, to our Technological Pole.
Before and during the inauguration, important newspapers and news agencies wanted to meet us to learn about our center of excellence dedicated to virtual training.
We were featured on:
- Tgr Rai
- TeleNord
- TeleGenova, which on Tuesday 30th July will also carry out an in-depth analysis in the Porti e Trasporti program
- Il Giornale
- Repubblica
- Il Secolo XIX
- Ansa
- AdnKronos
- Genova today: http://www.genovatoday.it/economia/polo-tecnologico-lumen.html
- Il Secolo XIX, versione online: https://www.ilsecoloxix.it/high-tech/2019/07/19/news/inaugura-a-genova-il-polo-tecnologico-di-lumen-per-lanciare-la-basilicon-valley-1.37124412
- Liguria Oggi: https://www.liguriaoggi.it/2019/07/20/genova-nasce-la-basilicon-valley/